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Recognizing the desperate need for domestic-violence services in their communities, Rotary clubs throughout Australia and New Zealand are fundraising and partnering with charities to raise awareness and work on prevention and victim support
The statistics are sobering: Intimate partner violence is the most common type of violence against women, affecting 30 percent of women worldwide, according to a 2013 World Health Organization report.
As many as 38 percent of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner. In New Zealand, a dozen women are killed by their partners or ex-partners each year. And in Australia, a woman is killed, on average, about every week.
Rotary has 7 Areas of Focus including Protecting the Environment. Providing our members more ways to bring about positive change in the world. Learn more: https://on.rotary.org/ 3i4zNxl
To learn more about how Highton Rotary is protecting our environment click here
The liberation of Julie Mulligan
After being kidnapped abroad, Rotarian Julie Mulligan set out to live a more authentic life of Service Above Self
Unforgettable evenings in Calgary
Signature events at the 2025 Rotary convention include dinner at Rotarians’ homes, a country music jamboree, and boot-stompin’ celebrations of the Western culture in Calgary.